Women's Golf Association
Welcome to the Women's Golf Association (WGA). We support ALL women golfers at the Phoenix Country Club, at every level, so they can participate and enjoy all the Club has to offer. Every woman "Golf Member" at PCC is eligible and welcome to join the WGA.
We offer a full golf schedule, including fun and entertaining weekly events, tournaments, luncheons, and guest events throughout the year. You may join either the 18-hole group, whose members play on Wednesday mornings, or the 9-hole group that plays on Tuesday mornings. Both groups play throughout the golf season from November through May.
Our more competitive golfers may also enjoy playing for our "Valley Team" which competes against other Golf and Country Clubs throughout the Valley. Our Director of Instruction, Guy Shaw, offers instructional clinics exclusively for WGA members on a weekly basis to sharpen your skills and improve your game. The golf opportunities in the WGA are varied and extensive.
Each new member of the WGA is paired with a "Big Sister," who will welcome you, introduce you to other WGA members, and show you the ins and outs of league membership and play.
On behalf of the Women's Golf Association, I personally welcome you to experience the camaraderie and fun of the WGA at the Phoenix Country Club.
Beth Mittelstaedt
WGA President
p: 602-751-6250
e: [email protected]
For more membership information on either the 18-hole or 9-hole group,
please contact our membership chair:
Jane Underhill
Membership Chair
p: 612-384-7001
e: [email protected]